The Foundadtion decided to promote the issue of involvement of lawyers in pro publico bono work. The first edition of the "Pro Bono Lawyer" Competition was organized in 2004 under patronage of the Bar Council and the National Council of Legal Advisers. A few dozen nominations were submitted to the competition, 35 of which were qualified for consideration by the Competition Jury. The winner was selected at a session held on March 3, 2004 in which the following members of the Jury participated:
The winner was Szczepan Styranowiski, a retired judge from Olsztyn, nominated by the Olsztyn division of the Polish Committee for Social Welfare. The Jury also decided to honor seven persons. The official announcement of the competition results was made on March 29, 2004 in the seat of the "Rzeczpospolita" daily - the co-organizer of the competition. The winner received a statuette funded by the Minister of Justice, and diplomas were presented to the honored persons.
Since 2004 the Foundation together with "Rzeczpospolita" daily organises each year the "Pro Bono Lawyer" Competition. The Jury consits of the acting: Ombudsman, President of the Constitutional Tribunal, President of the Supreme Court, President of the Supreme Administrative Court, President of the Bar Council, President of the National Council of Legal Advisers, as well as Pro Bono Lawyers Comepetition winners from the past editions. The winner receives a statuette funded by the Minister of Justice, and two honored persons receive diplomas signed by the Jury members.
1. The Legal Clinics Foundation, respecting the need to promote a noble idea of the Pro Publico Bono lawyers' work as well as taking into account the hitherto Pro Bono activity of the lawyers, wishes to call into being a Lawyer Pro Bono Contest.
2. The Final of the lawyer Pro Bono contest will be carried out by the Legal Clinics Foundation (hereinafter the Organizer)
3. The Organizer reserves the right to choose a partner to carry out the Final of the Lawyer Pro Bono Contest.
The title of the Lawyer Pro Bona can be received by a person holding a master in law degree, living on the territory of the Republic of Poland, providing free of charge and voluntary legal services to other persons, social organizations or institutions.
1. The title of the Lawyer Pro Bono is granted by the Chapter of the Contest based on the submitted nominations.
2. The Organizer passes on the information on the Contest and the conditions to submit nominations using the mass media no later than on October 15th of the year in which the contest is carried out.
3. The Contest takes place once a year.
1. Nominations can be submitted by the natural persons, lawyers' associations (bars), non-governmental organizations as well as the state and self-governmental institutions.
2. Nominating subject can submit one nomination per year.
3. Nominations have to be submitted no later than January 15th of the year in which the contest is organized and according to the nomination forms attached to the present Regulations.
After collecting and checking the nominations, the Organizer passes on the names of the persons nominated to the Lawyer Pro Bono title to the Chapter of the Contest. It has to be done no later than the end of February of the year following the one in which the contest was carried out.
1. The Chapter of the Contest's consists of the members of the Advisory Board of the Legal Clinics Foundation and representatives of the institutions patronizing the contest.
2. Persons awarded with the Lawyer Pro Bono title in previous years also become capitularies.
3. The capitularies elect the President of the Chapter among themselves.
4. Representative of the Legal Clinics Foundation participates in the Chapter's sessions as a secretary, with no right to vote.
1. The Chapter of the Contest takes a decision on the Lawyer Pro Bono award with simple majority of votes.
2. The schedule of the Chapter's work is established by the President of the Chapter.
3. The President of the Chapter can take a decision to vote (according to the provision of § 7p.1) in written.
1. In one year the Chapter of the Contest can award no more than 2 persons with the title of the Lawyer Pro Bono.
2. The decisions of the Chapter mentioned in the p. 1 are final and binding.
3. Due to justified circumstances, the Chapter may retract from awarding the Lawyer Pro Bono title in given year.
The Chapter of the Contest evaluates the submitted nominations using the following criteria:
a) provision of the free of charge legal services to persons, charity and social organizations
b) development of the charity activity, creation and development of the social organizations promoting the bro bono activity
c) participation in educational, training programs and other charity programs (pro bono)
d) participation in the programs and initiatives aiming at the development of the system of free legal services
e) achievements in the public social-legal activity.
1. Laureate of the Contest is awarded with the "Lawyer Pro Bono" title with the indication of the year of the contest.
2. Laureate of the Contest also receives a "Lawyer Pro Bono" statuette.
Announcement of the Contest's verdicts takes place in public no later than on the 15th of April of the year following the one in which the contest was carried out.
The Organizer of the Contest has the right to interpret the provisions of the present Regulations and to settle disputes occurring at its application.
Name and surname of the person/ name of the institution nominating:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Name and surname:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Number of years in the legal profession:
Information on the education:
Place and the organization/program in which the cadidate provides pro bono services:
Other public activity:
ATTENTION! Other documets and materials can be attached here. If it is a reference letter, please indicate the name and contact information of the author of the letter.
Legible signature, date, stamp of the institution.