Legal Clinic established at the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok (Poland) together with Legal Clinics Foundation, organized VIIIth Annual Colloquium on Clinical Legal Education in Poland. The major theme of the Colloquium, due to the ten years of existence of the Polish clinical movement, was "the next step forward in the development of Clinical Legal Education in Poland - Judicial Practices Center and Mediation Clinic". Participants were not only Polish clinical professors but also clinical students and friends from the Legal Clinic established at the University of Olomouc in Czech Republic. There were also guests from Armenia, Georgia, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Ukraine, except Polish participants, due to the organization of the study visit which was prepared by the Legal Clinics Foundation in the cooperation with Public Interest Law Institute.
Read more: VIIIth Annual Colloquium on Clinical Legal Education in Poland
14 years ago in Szczecin, in May 1998, ELSA, the European Law Students’ Association organised a conference ‘Reform of legal education. The development of academic legal clinics’. The precedence subject and the joining of the undertaking with the Meeting of Polish Deans of Law Faculties and the Polish Meeting of The Polish Bar Association, allowed for a serious discussion on the issue of clinical education in Poland. The conference gave grounds for a breakthrough in the system of teaching law at Polish universities, introducing, alongside the traditional lecture formula, practical teaching elements and also paved way for the implementation of the university’s vision, promptly reacting to the needs of local communities.
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Agenda of 2002 Fifth Annual Colloquium on Clinical Legal Education >>>